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Step 4: Run an Octez baking daemon

To run a baking daemon that connects to the DAL, start it as usual and pass the URL to your DAL node to it:

  1. In a new terminal window, run this command:

    octez-baker-PsParisC run with local node "$HOME/.tezos-node" my_baker --liquidity-baking-toggle-vote pass --adaptive-issuance-vote on --dal-node >> "$HOME/octez-baker.log" 2>&1
  2. In another terminal window, install the curl program by running this command:

    sudo apk add curl
  3. In the same terminal window, run this command:

    curl http://localhost:10732/p2p/gossipsub/topics

    DAL nodes share shards and information about them over a peer-to-peer pub/sub network built on the Gossipsub P2P protocol. As layer 1 assigns shards to the bakers, the Gossipsub network manages topics that DAL nodes can subscribe to. For example, if a user submits data to slot 1, the network has a list of topics: a topic to identify the slot 1 shards assigned to baker A, a topic to identify the slot 1 shards assigned to baker B, and so on for all the bakers that are assigned shards from slot 1.

    Then, the baker daemon automatically asks the DAL node to subscribe to the topics that provide the shards that it is assigned to.

    In the results of this command, each topic contains a shard and the address of the baker that is assigned to it. The DAL node and baker are listening to these topics and attesting that the data they refer to is available

    This command returns all of the topics that the baker is subscribed to in the format {"slot_index":<index>,"pkh":"<ADDRESS OF BAKER>"} where index varies between 0 included and the number of slot indexes excluded.

    You can also look at the baker logs to see if it injects the expected operations. At each level, the baker is expected to:

    • Receive a block proposal (log message: "received new proposal ... at level ..., round ...")
    • Inject a preattestation for it (log message: "injected preattestation ... for my_baker (<address>) for level ..., round ...")
    • Receive a block (log message: "received new head ... at level ..., round ...")
    • Inject a consensus attestation for it (log message: "injected attestation ... for my_baker (<address>) for level ..., round ...")
    • Attach a DAL attestation to it, indicating which of the shards assigned to the baker have been seen on the DAL network (log message: "ready to attach DAL attestation for level ..., round ..., with bitset ... for my_baker (<address>) to attest slots published at level ...")
  4. (Optional) Launch an accuser daemon by opening a new terminal window and running this command:

    octez-accuser-PsParisC run >> "$HOME/octez-accuser.log" 2>&1

    The accuser monitors the behavior of the other bakers and denounces them to the Tezos protocol if they double-sign any block or consensus operation.

Calculating the delay for attestation rights

Now that the account has staked enough tez and the baking daemon is running, the account will receive attestation rights. The delay is a number of cycles determined by the value of the consensus_rights_delay constant plus two cycles.

A cycle is a number of blocks; the blocks_per_cycle constant determines how many blocks are in a cycle. The minimal_block_delay constant determines the time between blocks in seconds. Therefore, you can calculate the approximate time in seconds that it takes a baker to receive attestation rights with this formula:

(consensus_rights_delay + 2) * blocks_per_cycle * minimal_block_delay

Follow these steps to calculate the delay to receive attestation rights:

  1. In a terminal window inside the container, run this command to install the jq program, which formats the JSON responses from RPC calls to Octez programs:

    sudo apk add jq
  2. Run these commands to get the values of the network constants:

    octez-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/context/constants | jq | grep consensus_rights_delay
    octez-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/context/constants | jq | grep blocks_per_cycle
    octez-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/context/constants | jq | grep minimal_block_delay
  3. Using the values from the responses, calculate the attestation rights delay in seconds. For example, if consensus_rights_delay is 3, blocks_per_cycle is 12,288, and minimal_block_delay is 5, a new baker receives attestation rights after a delay of 307,200 seconds.

  4. Divide the number of seconds by 86,400 to get the attestation delay in days. For example, if the delay is 307,200 seconds, that time is about 3.5 days.

The exact time depends on what time in the current cycle the account staked its tez.

  1. Wait for the attestation delay to be over and then proceed to Step 5: Verify attestation rights.

The amount of tez that the account stakes determines how often it is called on to make attestations, not how quickly it receives rights. Therefore, staking more tez brings more rewards but does not reduce the attestation delay.